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Member benefits

We are a professional organization of child care providers.  We are not funded by state or federal dollars.  Instead, we exist through child care member and vendor support.  We serve as a liason between child care centers and the state agencies who have oversight over child care programs.  We attend meetings, ask questions, and share relevant information with our members.  We also regularly ask questions on behalf of our members for clarification. 

10 Great Reasons to Be a Member

1. Connection: You are connected to a larger group banded together to produce positive results for the child care industry. 

2. Professional Development Training and Conferences:  Conferences and training events provide quality education and networking for early childhood professionals. We offer a significant  discount to our members for conferences and training events.  You can help plan the Conference or attend to enhance your professional development.

3. Public Policy / Advocacy: Our strong advocacy programs are centered on assuring that child care industry voices are being heard.  You can keep track of child care issues under consideration by the state Legislature, as well as updates that deal with child care and early education issues. 

4. Informational Services: LCA keeps members iinformed and in touch with each other and current issues through the association’s web site and email updates of emerging issues relevant to the child care industry. We support the work that you do each day in your child care business. 

5. Networking: You have many opportunities to network with other early childhood professionals in our state, building your contacts, sharing ideas, best practices and solutions to enhance your child care business. Networking events range from  Conferences to meetings. 

6. Affiliation: You will have affiliation with YOUR professional association and many other early childhood professionals in our state.

7. Discounts on Educational Training: You receive reduced registration fees at all LCA sponsored professional development events.

8. Leadership Opportunities: You are provided opportunities to learn and practice leadership and meeting management skills that will help you build your business and that you may need for your resume, professional growth or self-promotion.  Opportunities are available to serve on committees and special projects.

9. Recognition: You can be recognized or can recognize your colleagues for their achievements in early childhood education.  Many of our heroes work right next to us every day!

10. Support and Empowerment: You are part of a larger community.  You are supported by others that understand the issues you face and can share solutions. You are empowered to get involved in issues that affect your personal and professional communities and your quality of life.

We would be elated to have you join us!

Come and be a part of a movement to make our industry stronger than ever! 

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Licensed Child Care Association 

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Copyright © Licensed Child Care Association of Oklahoma 2022

2795 Broce Drive, Suite B, Norman, OK 73072

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